Run for the Co-op Board

Board of Directors Meeting

WANTED! Altruistic humans needed for exciting journey. A willingness to engage in invigorating conversations is required. A love of small family farms, helping employees, serving the community, supporting local, and protecting the planet is a big plus. Sound like you? Run for the Co-op Board of Directors! Use the form on this page to declare your candidacy by February 10.

About Our Board

I’ve served on several boards, and I can tell you that the Co-op board is my favorite. It is because of the culture of cooperation each director embodies. It is gratifying work that has taught me, in new ways, about what it means to be part of a community.

We use Policy Governance to govern the General Manager at a high level rather than being involved in daily operations. This can take some getting used to but with the help of the Board Development Committee and April Harkness, Environmental, Social, & Governance (ESG) Program Manager, the concept of PG should become clear. Allow grace by giving yourself about 6-months to a year to become a PG warrior. The takeaway is that you do not need to know everything about the grocery industry or business management to be an effective and valuable board member.

I believe the most important trait a director (or prospective candidate) can have is values. You don’t need prior experience on a board to have values; who you are as a person is enough. If you care about your community, believe in cooperation, and have 5 to 10 hours a month to give, you could be the ideal candidate to run for the Co-op Board of Directors.

We look forward to reading your candidate statement! To learn more, reach out to ESG Program Manager April Harkness through our contact page.

Conicia (CJ) Jackson, VP, Co-op Board of Directors

Important Dates for 2025 Board Candidates

  • Jan 22 Board of Directors Meeting – Candidates encouraged to attend!
  • TBD Candidate Information Session
  • Feb 10 Deadline for submitting Declaration of Candidacy
  • Feb 14 List of Candidates Announced – Candidate statements and photos due
  • Feb 26 Board of Directors Meeting – Candidates encouraged to attend!
  • March 1 Election Mailing sent to all voting members
  • April 1 Voting begins
  • Early April Annual Member Meeting and Candidate Forum
  • April 30 Voting closes