It’s 14 below zero. Somewhere in New England there’s an old house with a furnace rumbling like a ’69 Chevelle, a hatchback in the driveway that won’t start, and a cat that’s crawled under so many blankets it’s gonna need a map to get out. If this sounds like your life lately, then warm your weary soul with our favorite new line of soups and beans—on sale now!
Our latest Co-op Pick has gained a cult following over the last few years, simply by taking a pedestrian food concept and making it extraordinary. Our good friends at Heyday Canning Co. in sunny Capitola, Calif. (hi, Kathryn and Jamie!), revolutionized canning on a simple premise: The problem with canned food isn’t the can itself—it’s the lack of imagination about what goes inside it.
With this motivational derring-do, our intrepid canning super duo founded Heyday in the fall of 2020 (all woman-owned!), initially just by breaking out a pressure canner and a pile of mason jars and fearlessly testing exciting, fun, and really delicious recipes. They started with beans, moved on to soups, and before they knew it, they could hardly keep up with demand.
The history of canning goes back to the Napoleonic Wars, if not before. Methods have changed over the years, but the idea is the same: preserve food by processing and sealing it in an airtight container so it can keep for a long period of time. As our friends at Heyday like to point out, there’s something magical about the entire processes, and the benefits are many—including long shelf life, reduced food waste, and reduced reliance on single-use plastics.
Look for Heyday soups on sale in our White River Junction store and soups and beans on sale in our Lebanon store. As always, we love to know what you think, so drop us a line and give us your review.
—Ken Davis, Senior Writer