We Want to Give You Money

Local veggies are our life.

Our Grants and Scholarships

The Co-op has thousands of dollars available to support awesome community projects and scholarships. We want to hear all about your fabulous nonprofit, your community garden idea, your noble education ambitions, your funky, free-spirited, I’m-going-to-change-the-world optimism, or whatever it is you have in mind. We’re just itching to fund those crazy dreamers who want to make the world a better place.

We offer two opportunities for individuals and organizations to apply for funding—the Hanover Cooperative Community Fund (HCCF) Community Project Grants and the Gerstenberger Scholarship Fund (GSF).

2025 Applications are open in the fall. For more information and how to apply, reach out to April Harkness at our contact page.

Project Grants

Established nearly 25 years ago by the Co-op Board, the HCCF has contributed more than $500,000 toward an endowment, the Twin Pines Cooperative Foundation, which returns interest to the Co-op for distribution to local nonprofits in the form of Community Project Grants. Grants offers financial assistance to nonprofits that align with our values and principles.

Eligible recipients are:

  • Nonprofit, non-denominational, and nonpartisan (not affiliated with or promoting any political party or candidate);
  • Non-discriminatory on the basis of race, creed, gender, national origin, age, sexual orientation, or physical disability;
  • Those that primarily benefit the Upper Valley region of New Hampshire and Vermont as defined by the Vital Communities Service Area.

Funding requests can be between $500 and $2,500 in aid, with exceptions for noteworthy need.

The fund will prioritize giving that fit the following criteria:

a) Alignment with Co-op Values: Employees, Community, Local, and Environment.

b) Organization is new, grassroots, or less resourced.

c) Beneficiaries and/or projects are local to the Upper Valley.

d) The organization and/or project helps address climate change and/or supports the local food system.

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The GSF offers scholarships to members and employees of local co-ops who seek to further the cooperative movement through education, training, and/or business development. The Fund is named in honor of our former GMs, Harry and Arthur Gerstenberger, and our first Education Director, Sally Gerstenberger, who contributed to our co-op and community in immeasurable ways.

The Co-op is seeking proposals seeking between $500 and $5,000 in aid, with exceptions for noteworthy need. Education awards for tuition purposes will be made directly to qualifying education organizations with 501(c)3 status.

Priority will be given to Co-op member-owners, employees, or groups located in the Upper Valley (as defined by Vital Communities Service Area).

The Scholarship seeks to assist those who are:

  • Continuing their cooperative education as employees or board members of their local cooperatives and/or credit unions
  • Pursing academic research in how cooperatives can best meet societal needs; or
  • Planning or developing businesses that follow the co-op model of innovation and ownership. As such, GSF considers applicants from across the co-op sector: food, housing, agriculture, daycare and preschool, credit, medical and dental, automotive, and other co-op enterprises.

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The Co-op Announces 2024 HCCF Awards

Through fundraising at the Hanover Cooperative Community Fund (HCCF) annual golf tournament and a partnership with Black River Produce, the Co-op raises money to help other cooperatives through an endowment. The interest returned on the endowment is used to distribute locally to nonprofits that align with our member-owner values.

The 2024 recipients of HCCF awards are:

1. Corinth Community Coalition – $2,000 – create a mural with environmental theme at town transfer station

2. Hanover Food Pantry – $3,500 – help meet critical needs for food and non-food items

3. Hartford Norwich Holiday Baskets – $800 – provide holiday toys, clothing and food for families in need

4. Lebanon Public Libraries – $2,000 – create a Seed Library to distribute heirloom seeds to community members

5. Sharon Health Initiative – $2,500 – support vulnerable residents facing health and life issues

6. Upper Valley Apple Corps – $1,500 – plant and steward free-for-the-picking fruit and nut trees on public lands across the Upper Valley

7. Upper Valley BIPOC Network – $3,500 – support small businesses located in the Upper Valley that are owned by underrepresented entrepreneurs

8. Vital Communities – $1,000 – partially fund a scholarship for Leadership Upper Valley Program