2025 voting illustration with hand, heart, and ballot

Vote April 1-30, 2025

Welcome member-owners! Our 2025 Board of Directors Election is coming soon. Voting opens at 7 a.m. April 1 and closes at midnight April 30. Voting is fast and easy, and you can do it in stores or online. This year we are grateful to have several outstanding candidates running for 5 open seats on our Board of Directors. We are also asking our members to vote for some simple but important changes to the Co-op bylaws, which will make our organization more inclusive.

Cooperative ownership is a special thing, and with it comes important responsibilities. Voting is one of the many ways you can exercise your democratic duty of cooperative ownership. Thanks for visiting, and we look forward to counting your vote this April!

People gathered for a Co-op Annual Meeting

Co-op Annual Meeting April 5

Member-owners, you can have as much fun as these people! Join us at the Co-op Learning Center in our Lebanon Store on April 5 from 10-Noon for our Annual Meeting. Sample new menu items from our Co-op Kitchen, hob-nob with other cooperators, vote, and enjoy lively conversation. The meeting will be followed by a Board Candidate Forum at 12 p.m. We hope to see you there.

Why Your Vote Matters


You make an impact. According to our bylaws, we need at least 500 votes to certify an election. Every vote counts.

Your voice is essential. One of the things that truly excites me about the cooperative model is the power it gives to its members. A member-elected board is a cornerstone of that power. Serving on the board is a significant commitment, requiring dedication and carrying substantial fiduciary responsibilities. By voting in our board election, you directly influence the direction of your community-owned business.

Democracy is special! A cooperative is one of the most democratic organizations in the world. With rising challenges to democratic norms worldwide, it is up to us to show, through action and example, that we value our own cooperative democracies.

Stay tuned to our website to learn more as the voting period gets closer. Vote online or by paper ballot at any of our locations. We look forward to counting your vote!

—Dawn Archambeault, Director of Marketing & Consumer Relations