Hanover Board of Directors

Our Current Board

Listed below are those serving on the Hanover Consumer Cooperative Society Board of Directors

board member

Nick Clark, President

Email: nickclark [at] board.coopfoodstore.com
Term ends in 2026

Where do you live?
Thetford, VT

What are you passionate about?
Community vitality, renewable energy, and local food systems.

What is it about the Co-op that excites you?
The Co-op is a cornerstone community organization that embodies so many of the Upper valley's values.

Where will I find you - which store, which aisle?
I can't believe I can only pick one aisle, but I spend the most time in cleaning supplies, usually at Hanover.

Eric DeLuca

Eric DeLuca

Email: ericdeluca [at] board.coopfoodstore.com
Term ends in 2025

Where do you live?
Wilmot, NH

What are you passionate about?
Lifelong friends and shared mutual interests, including music, snowboarding, and local food.

What is it about the Co-op that excites you?
So much! The way owners really use the co-op to get what they need & so many shoppers choose to be owners of this thriving community resource. How the Co-op goes out of its way to showcase local producers, as well as support those experiencing food insecurity & a broad range of community organizations. The way the Co-op centers environmental sustainability and acts both boldly and systematically toward that goal. That the Co-op is an integral part of a regional, national & international ecosystem that builds a better world through cooperative enterprise. I could go on...

Where will I find you - which store, which aisle?
There's something special about the cheese aisle at the Lebanon store. It's a nice, little oasis at the heart of the store. And you can always find both tried & true and new-discovery Vermont artisanal cheeses! My favorite recently won an international award, but that's not why I like it and enjoy sharing it with friends.

Eric DeLuca

Mike Eigenbrode

Email: mikeeigenbrode [at] board.coopfoodstore.com.
Term ends in 2025

Where do you live?
Hartford Village, VT

What are you passionate about?
I'm very passionate about cooking and the local food system that fuels it! When I'm not cooking I find joy in running, adventuring with my dog, and embracing the outdoors and staying active.

What is it about the Co-op that excites you?
I love how the Co-op is actively supporting the community and brings us all together through shared values and collaborative efforts!

Where will I find you - which store, which aisle?
You'll find me at the White River Junction Co-op almost every evening. I can be found tucked away to the side scrolling through recipes for last-minute dinner inspiration, followed by shopping at breakneck speed through multiple aisles.

board member

Jessica Giordani

Email: jessicagiordani [at] board.coopfoodstore.com
Term ends in 2025

One of the owners of Scratch, a yarn shop specializing in fine fiber and indie-dyed yarn located in downtown Lebanon. She’s currently serving on the Arts & Culture Taskforce, and is also the Farmers’ Market Coordinator for the city of Lebanon. Jessica has spent the last fifteen years as a small business owner, and has been directly involved in local food production and farmers markets since 2011. She lives in Lebanon with her family, their four dogs, many chickens, and a surly rabbit.

board member

Conicia Jackson, Vice President

Email: coniciajackson [at] board.coopfoodstore.com.
Term ends 2027

Where do you live?
Lyme, NH

What are you passionate about?
I am passionate about finding solutions to create attainable housing in underserved communities.

What is it about the Co-op that excites you?
The moment I stepped inside the doors of the Co-op, I sensed its unique aura. The quaint Co-op in Lyme was my first encounter, and it immediately captured my interest. Little did I anticipate that I would eventually become a member of the Board. Yet here I am, nearly three years into my term, thoroughly enjoying my role within this exceptional organization. What resonates with me most about the Co-op is the palpable vitality that envelops me as I wander through the aisles of each store. I feel sense of excitement every time I walk into the Co-op stores. Observing the member owners taking immense pleasure and pride in their food and product choices fills me with a deep appreciation. The assurance that I can acquire wholesome items for both myself and my daughter is a source of confidence.

Where will I find you - which store, which aisle?
On any given day at the Hanover store perusing the aisles, but where you will find me mostly hanging out is the organic vegetable section. I love all of the varieties of vegetables and contemplating what creative dishes I will conjure up for the upcoming week.

board member

Alice Kennedy

Email: alicekennedy [at] board.coopfoodstore.com
Term ends in 2027

Where do you live?
I live in Enfield

What are you passionate about?
I'm passionate about making the healthy choice the easy choice.

What is it about the Co-op that excites you?
I'm excited to learn how the Co-op can meet the needs of the community in innovative, outside-the-box ways.

Where will I find you - which store, which aisle?
You'll find me in the Centerra cheese section picking up and putting down 4 different cheeses before I give up and decide to buy them all!

board member

Peggy O'Neil, Treasurer

Email: peggyo'neil [at] board.coopfoodstore.com
Term ends in 2026

Where do you live?
Cornish, NH

What are you passionate about?
I'm passionate about living here in the Upper Valley. I'm passionate about my work at WISE and I'm passionate about our Coop and its role in our community. I'm also a passionate home cook and our Coop gives me so many local and fresh choices to prepare meals for family and friends.

What is it about the Co-op that excites you?
What excites me about our Coop is its vitality--the daily and dynamic interactions between members, employees, partners, vendors and our community makes our Coop so dynamic and gives us, a shopper, fresh and local products.

Where will I find you - which store, which aisle?
I am most often shopping in the Lebanon store. I love all the aisles! Local breads, viewing the different oils and vinegars, pastas and rices and the beautiful and local options in the produce section.

board member

Eileen O'Toole, Secretary

Email: eileeno’toole [at] board.coopfoodstore.com
Term ends in 2026

Where do you live?
Hanover, NH

What are you passionate about?
Family and friends, Labradors, reading, cooking, and travel

What is it about the Co-op that excites you?
There are so many great things! I love we are local on so many levels. We are rich in history and tradition. The Co-op cares and works diligently to take care of its employees and community. I also love finding new or unique products!

Where will I find you - which store, which aisle?
Just one? Hmmm....I am going to go with the Hanover store and the cheese counter because my favorite maple apple baked donut holes are right near the cheese counter so I can get a two-for-one here! That cheese counter is where I first sampled a fabulous truffle cheese which is now a favorite!

Infiniti D Sanderfer

Infiniti D Sanderfer

Email: infinitisanderfer [at] board.coopfoodstore.com
Term ends in 2027

Where do you live?
Info Coming Soon

What are you passionate about?
Info Coming Soon

What is it about the Co-op that excites you?
Info Coming Soon

Where will I find you - which store, which aisle?
Info Coming Soon

board member

Lynn Ellen Schimoler

Email: lynnellenschimoler [at] board.coopfoodstore.com
Term ends in 2026

Where do you live?
Essex, VT

What are you passionate about?
Family, friends and volunteering in my community and mentoring. Dancing, local food and the game of Lacrosse.

What is it about the Co-op that excites you?
Cooperative economics excites me, and I'm committed to learning about and assisting with how these business models thrive. The Co-op food stores increase access to affordable food, amplify the value of supporting the local food and farm economy and improve well-being for a volunteer like me who is 'fed' by the knowledge and sense of purpose that comes from being an eater/customer to our stores.

The Co-op stores participate in the incredible eco-system of community-owned food enterprises around the globe, encouraging positive interaction among eaters and a reminder of our shared responsibility to be good stewards of our food system.

Where will I find you – which store, which aisle?
Likely meandering carefully around each store for different reasons. Produce, cheese and wine are areas where you might find me visiting longer.

Caterina Tierney

Cate Tierney

Email: catetierney [at] board.coopfoodstore.com
Term ends in 2025

Where do you live?
Lebanon NH

What are you passionate about?
Cats, co-ops and social work

What is it about the Co-op that excites you?
How the community takes care of each other!

Where will I find you - which store, which aisle?
Running the Service Desk at WRJ as the Front End Supervisor!

Additional Links

View Board Meeting Minutes
Learn About Our Board

Hanover Store
45 South Park St.
Hanover, NH 03755
(603) 643-2667
8 am-7 pm

Lebanon Store
12 Centerra Pkwy
Lebanon, NH 03766
(603) 643-4889
7 am-9 pm

WRJ Store
209 Maple St.
WRJ, VT 05001
(802) 295-3400
7 am-8 pm

Co-op Market
43 Lyme Road
Hanover, NH 03755
(603) 643-2725
6 am-6 pm

Sat: 6 am-4 pm
Sun: Closed

Service Center

51 South Park St.
Hanover, NH 03755
(603) 643-0519
M-F: 7:30 am-4:30 pm

Service Center

63 US 5 South
Norwich, VT 05055
(802) 526-9103
M-F: 7:30 am-4:30 pm

Co-op Catering
(603) 442-4406
Co-op Kitchen
(802) 295-3878
193 A St.
Wilder, VT 05088